Scheme Video
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (SICP)
- MIT 6.001 lectures taught at HP by Harold Abelson and Gerald Jay Sussman (1986): YouTube playlist
- MIT lectures by Prof. Eric Grimson (2004) YouTube playlist
- UC Berkeley CS 61A lectures by Brian Harvey (2010): YouTube playlist
Scheme tutorials
- Introduction to the Scheme programming language by Andy Balaam: YouTube playlist
Advanced usage and implementation
Continuations: The Swiss Army Knife of Flow Control
Lecture by Jonathan Bartlett
The 90 minute Scheme to C compiler
Lecture by Marc Feeley (principal author of Gambit Scheme) on how to build a compiler (2007).
Lectures presented at Dan Friedman's 60th birthday conference (2004). YouTube playlist
- Welcome (Andrew Hanson)
- Relating Models of Backtracking (Mitchell Wand)
- Bottom-up Relational Programming (Lynn Winebarger)
- Debugging Backwards in Time (Bil Lewis)
- Monadic Encapsulation of State (Steve Ganz)
- Macro-Writer's Bill of Rights (Kent Dybvig)
- Intro to Guy Steele's keynote address (David Wise)
- Dan Friedman--Cool Ideas (Guy Steele)
- Anatomy of a Loop (Olin Shivers)
- Obfuscating Transformations (Kevin Millikin)
- Poetry in Programs (Robert E. Filman)
- DNA Analysis (Rhys Price Jones)
- Normal-order Syntax-Rules (Oleg Kiselyov)
- On Designing a DSL (Julia Lawall)
- Aspect verification using model checking (Kathi Fisler)
- Categorical Semantics (Jonathan Sobel)
- Contracts as Projections (Felleisen & Findler)
- Verification of web programs (Shriram Krishnamurthi)
- Aspect-oriented programming in the real world (Anurag Mendhekar)
- The Role of Programming (Gerald Jay Sussman)
- Introductory Cognitive Science (Jim Marshall)
Gambit Scheme 30th anniversary workshop (2019). YouTube playlist
BALISP (the Bay Area Lisp and Scheme Users Group)
This is a YouTube playlist of talks given at BALISP meetings.